

商企云 | 2021-07-05 | 分享至:
网站设计结构对seo网站优化的影响很大 Website design structure on the SEO great influences on the website optimization 1.在北京网站建设中编程代码应尽量简化,避免过多重复使用代码,压缩文件的大小,因为搜索引擎对简单明了的东西特别的友好,这样会有利于网站优化的提升;网站设计时尽量避免使用过多的图片,因为访客浏览你的网站时每张图片都要进行加载,所以图片过多将影响网站打开速度,如果非用不可时可以对图片进行压缩;除了影响网速外蜘蛛抓取时也不会读取图片信息的。 In Beijing website construction of programming code should be simplified as much as possible, avoid excessive repeated use code, a zip file size, because search engine to simple things special friendly, so that will help to the ascension of the web site optimization; Website design to avoid the excessive use of images, because visitors browsing your website each image to load, so too will influence the website picture open speed, if not to be used for images compression; In addition to influence the spider net grabbed also won't read the picture information. 2.网站建设时表格结构的架设很重要;无论是在文档或者图像的位置都会被多次的使用,所以每当我们在浏览含有表格的企业网站时,通常要进行处理的方法是从里往外依次来解释表格的结构,最后才会解释表格的内容,这时会造成页面显示的缓慢,客户体验度下降,所以在惠州网站建设时,应尽量避免使用表格,如果不得已非要使用表格才能实现效果,那么要越简单越好;建议使用鸿运通自主研发的程序:使用的是:结构使用DIV+CSS和Fastcgi+Php+Mysql+伪静态+静态缓存技术;支持网页的栏目和标题关键词自助设置;栏目无限级、图片尺寸个性剪辑等功能;对搜索引擎更加友好,同时缩短url路径、提高目录权重,有利实现seo优化,设计的界面也要符合UEO,被收录的机率和质量都有绝对的优势。 Website construction form of structure erection when quite important. Whether in document or the position of the images will be the use of many times, so every time we in the enterprise web browsing contains form, are generally processing methods from inside to outside in turn to explain the structure of the form, finally only then can explain the contents of the form, at this time will cause the page of slow, the customer experience descend, so in huizhou website construction, should try to avoid using form, if necessary to use form to achieve the result, so the more the better to simple; Suggest using the independent research and development program bonanza: use: structure using DIV + CSS and Fastcgi + Php + Mysql + pseudo static + static cache technology; Support website the section and the title keywords self-help set; Column infinite grade, the image size character editing functions; To the search engine more friendly, while reducing the url path, improve the directory weights, and favorable realize SEO optimization, the design of interface also want to accord with UEO, was collected in probability and the quality of the absolute advantage. 3.充分发挥META部分来实现网站优化的最大化;北京网站设计中都有meta部分组成的结构,包括:网站的标题(title)、关键字(keywords)、网站描述(description),有的企业网站在meta里是空白的,没有意识到他的重要性,这样的网站在网络中是很难有排名的;meta部分是网站优化的重要组成部分,应当把企业的主要产品、服务、核心关键词布局填写进去,使得网站优化的时候可以清楚的看到我们网站建设的重点;博得众多满意度是合理的网站设计结构! Give full play to the META part to realize the maximization of the web site optimization; Beijing website design all has the meta parts of the structure, including: the title of the website (title), key words (keywords), website describes (description), some enterprises in the meta website is blank, did not realize the importance of his, such a web site in the network is hard to be ranked; Meta part is an important part of the web site optimization, the enterprise shall be the main products, services, core keywords layout fill in in, make the optimized your site when we can clearly see the website construction of the key; Many satisfaction from website design of structure is reasonable! 教你打造让搜索引擎喜欢的网站方法做到以下三点: Teach you make to the search engines like website method to do the following three points: 一、网站页面的权威性(The authority of web page) 所谓网站页面的权威性,一般通过外部链接来衡量,通常情况高质量的网络营销外部链接越多,那么给予该网站或页面的权威性越高。另外网站的域名、稳定性、网站推广内容、网站的信息等等是影响网站权威性的因素。需要注意的是,外部链接相关性越高网站权重越高,那么给予该网站的权威性越高。 The authority of the so-called web page, usually by external links to measure, usually high quality network marketing external links, the more so given the web site or the higher authority of the page. Another site, stability, website promotion domain content of the website, information, and so on are the factors that influence website authority. Note that the correlation between the external links the higher the higher website weight, then give the website of the higher authority. 二、网站的实用性(Website the practicability of) 这个网站推广对用户来说有多大用处,如果没用,搜索引擎返回页中也不会存在,那么搜索引擎如何判断网站实用性高低呢?从用户浏览该网站的页面、停留时间、回访次数、或者加入书签、网站评论等等。网络营销搜索引擎将从这些方面收集信息然后判断网站实用性高低,从而给网站打分。网站的实用性需要站长自己通过揣摩用户思想,根据自己网站推广的统计数据分析判断,然后作相应优化,这个只能从日常生活及实际操作中领悟。 This website promotion for users have much use for that, if useless, search engine returning the page will not exist, then search engine how to judge website practical level? Browse the web site from the user page, residence time, pays a return visit number, or add bookmarks, web comments etc. The network marketing search engine from these aspects will collect information and then judge website practical height, thus to a website allocation. The practical need adsense their site by users' thoughts, according to his website promotion the statistical data of the analysis judgment, and then made the corresponding optimization, the only from the daily life and the actual operation in grasp. 三、网站内容的相关性(Correlation of the site's content) 网站推广内容的相关性这一点很重要,当用户搜索自己想要的内容,返回的页面与自己想要的内容匹配,用户自然喜欢,从搜索引擎角度讲搜索引擎也喜欢。那么内容相关性不仅仅是内容上,还有网站的标题、页面关键词、写作时的语义分析、网络营销内部链接的安排、以及外部链接的锚文本、外部链接的页面内容、外链的网站主题等,这些方面都是需要注意的地方。 The content of the website promotion correlation this is important when the user you want to search content, returning the page and I want to match the content, the user natural like, from search engine point search engines also like. Then the content is not only on the content of correlation, and the title of the page web site, keywords, when writing the semantic analysis of network marketing, the arrangement of the internal links, and the external links anchor text, external links, and the content of the page of the website the theme of chain, these are all need to pay attention to place. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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