

商企云 | 2021-07-05 | 分享至:
关于URL结构一般分为两个部分,一个是物理结构,一个是逻辑结构。在物理结构包括扁平结构和树型结构。扁平结构就是网站中所有的页面都是在根目录这一级别,形成一个扁平的物理结构。这比较适合于小型的网站,因为如果太多文件都放在根目录下的话,制作和维护起来比较麻烦。 About URL structure general is divided into two parts, one is the physical structure, one is the logical structure. In the physical structure including flat structure and tree structure. Flat structure is of all the pages are web site is in the root directory this level, form a flat physical structure. It is suitable for small web site, because if too many files in the root directory of words, making and maintenance up more trouble. 而树型结构的意义是在一级目录下分为多个频道或者称支为目录,然后目录下面再放上属于这个频道的页面,首页、频道首页、频道下的内容就好比树干、树枝、树叶的关系。逻辑结构就是由网页内部链接所形成的逻辑的或链接的网络图。比较好的情况是逻辑结构与前面的树型物理结构相吻合。以下是从seo角度谈网站URL: And the significance of the tree structure is in a directory divided into a number of channels or say for a directory, and then again below belongs to the directory put this channel page, page, channel, the content of the page channel is trunk, branches, leaves relationship. Logic structure is formed by web page internal links the logic of the network chart or a link. Better is the logical structure and the tree of the front physical structure are identical with each other. The following is from SEO Angle talk about web URL: 一、URL长短问题(The length of the URL problem) 基于用户体验来说,我想不管是专业的SEO还是普通的浏览用户,首先在搜索引擎地址框上输入一个地址时,必然会考虑这个URL好不好记,如果你的URL太长,那么我估计没有一个用户会花时间去记你的网站域名,因为不好记,现在的用户是不会花时间去记的,而且太长的URL,给人看起来既不美观,更不方便记忆,也不利于UEO。如果你是短的,那么用户必然可以轻易记得,简短好记就很不错了。 Based on the user experience for, I think whether it is professional SEO or ordinary browsing the user, the first in search engine address on the box enter a address, the inevitable will consider this URL is good to remember that if your URL is too long, so I estimate without a user will take the time to remember your site domain name, because bad record, now of the user is not take the time to remember, and too long URL, give a person looks both neither is beautiful, less convenient memory, also go against UEO. If you are short of, so the user can easily must remember, a brief note very pretty good. 二、URL目录层问题(URL directory layer of issues) URL目录层次问题也是SEOer重点考虑的一个因素,URL层数是按照距离来计算的,搜索引擎一般会用宽度优先搜索的方法来搜集网页,也就是说,搜索引擎会先搜集网站的首页,然后看首页上有哪些链接,然后先将这些链接抓过一次,再继续抓下一层的链接。因此,对于搜索引擎来说,在网站首页上的链接就是第一层的链接! URL directory level problem is also SEOer consider mainly a factor, URL layer is calculated according to the distance, search engines usually use width first search methods to collect web page, that is, the search engines will be the first to collect the website homepage, and then see what are the links on the home page, and then to catch these links once, continue to catch the next layer of links. So, for a search engine, it on your home page link is the first layer of the link! 而通过第一层链接才能到达的链接就是第二层的链接,以此类推。有很多SEOer以为URL的长与短就是URL的层次,其实不是的,以上的理念已经告诉我们,一个网站的目录深浅并不是看URL的长与短,而是从你网站的第一口进去,然后要经过几个口才能到达网站的最深处,其中经过的口,就是你的目录层次,一般来说目录层次最好不要超过3层。 And through the first layer link to get to link is the second link, and so on. Have a lot of SEOer thought long and short URL is the level of URL fact not, above the idea has been told us, a web site directory and not see the depth is long and short URL, but from your website's first bite in, and to go through several mouth to get to the deepest part of the site, including through the mouth of your inventory level is, in general, had better not exceed 3 level directory layer. 三、静态化与动态化问题(Static and dynamic problems) 网站设计在选取一个URL地址时,就会考虑这个网站的意义性,长与短,基本性的考虑完了后,就是URL静态化问题了,这是大家比较关心的一个方面。SEO建议就是如果可以的话就用静态化的URL,虽然如今搜索引擎对动态的URL抓取没以前那么吃力了,但是静态的URL可以给搜索引擎与用户一个直观与美观的地址。 Web design in selecting a URL, it will consider this website significance, long and short, fundamental consideration after finished, is static URL problem, this is everybody CARES quite a ways. SEO suggest is that if you can with static URL, although now search engine to dynamic URL grab less so exhausting, but static URL can give search engines and the user an intuitive and beauty of the address. 网站URL是每一个网站管理员与用户都很注重的,URL的长与短,好记与不好记,有意义与无意义,都关系到了一个网站的命理。网站管理员注重URL的意义性,而用户注重的是URL的好记性,那么而且对于搜索引擎来说,URL就是一个通道,这个道口的通与不通是判断一个网站好与不好的一个首要标准。 Web URL is every web site administrator and users are very attention, URL's long and short, easy to remember and not good to remember that has meaning and meaningless, relationship of a web site to ba zhi can. Pay attention to the meaning of the web site administrator URL sex, and users to pay attention to the URL is a good memory, so and for search engines to, URL is a channel, the crossing the tong and not judge a web site is good and bad a primary standards. URL的长与短是一个考虑的因素,而URL地址有无意义也是一个方便用户记忆的因素,就比如朱卫坤博客),他就是用他名字的全拼来做URL的,这样只要别人记得朱卫坤就一定记得他的URL地址,还有就是58同城,也是用他的品牌来做URL地址的,还有就是百度,等等。 The long and short URL is a consideration of the factors, while URL without meaning is also a convenient user memory of factor, for example ZhuWeiKun blog), he is to use his name to do QuanPin URL, such as long as people remember ZhuWeiKun will remember his URL address, and the city is 58, also be to use his brand to do the URL, there is baidu, and so on. 这些都是方便用户记忆,而且做SEO时还有一个优势。中国人都喜欢记一些人含义的东西,不管是一件事物还是一个人,所以抓住用户心理与浏览习惯上去做网站URL优化,这样一定会事到功倍! These are the convenient user memory, and do SEO still has an advantage. Chinese people like to remember some of the implications of things, whether a thing or a person, so take user psychology and browsing habits up do web URL optimization, this will matter to work times! 四、URL处理问题(URL processing problem) 首先,需要注意URL的长度,在URL里最好不要超过3-5个关键词,如果超过5个关键词,该url的权重就会被相应的降低。其次,在URL中尽量不要出现重复。最后,切忌在命名的时候用.exe之类的后缀作为URL的结尾. First of all, need to pay attention to the length of the URL in the URL had better not exceed 3-5 key words, if more than five key words, the weight of the URL will be corresponding reduced. Second, as far as possible in the URL appears not to repeat. Finally, avoid by all means is in naming use. Exe and suffix as the end of the URL. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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