

商企云 | 2021-07-07 | 分享至:
北京网站设计的产业是一个很速成的产业,充满了很多非专业的正规公司,一个人一台计算机就能做网页设计,他们的设计费通常很便宜,但并不能提供完整的服务。很多小型网页设计公司在执行项目时会遇到许多不可抗的因素,徒增许多的时间与费用,甚至因此而让您得不偿失。 Webpage design industry is a very intensive industry, a lot of non professional regular corporation, a computer can do the webpage design, their design fees are usually very cheap, but does not provide the complete service. Many small webpage design company in the implementation of projects will encounter many irresistible factors, increase the number of time and cost, and even let you the loss outweighs the gain. 互联网行业其实是一个竞争空前激烈、情况瞬息万变的行业,每一天、每一个互联网的从业者都承受着巨大的市场压力。正所谓“路遥知马力,日久见人心”,大浪淘沙,真金始现。那些实力不济的小公司往往在市场压力面前举步唯艰,最终被无情地淘汰出这个市场,而开展网上电子商务却是一个长期的、不断优化的过程,您需要避免您的长期规划遭遇“短命”公司的风险。 Internet industry is actually an unprecedented fierce competition, the industry situation vary from minute to minute, every day, every Internet practitioners are under tremendous pressure on the market. Is the so-called " time tries all. ", mighty wave crashing on a sandy shore, gold is the beginning. The strength of no small companies tend to market pressure before only in serious difficulties, eventually be mercilessly eliminated from the market, and conduct online e-commerce is a long-term, continuous optimization process, you need to avoid your long-term planning experience " short-lived" corporate risk. 因此,对于广大用户而言,图一时的便宜并不足取,寻找一个可靠的、长期的合作伙伴才是发展的正途。您需要擦亮一双慧眼,在纷纷扰扰的市场环境中选择一家真正专业的网页设计公司,带您走进网络世界,让你从网络世界中获得属于你的市场份额和竞争力。 Therefore, for the majority of users, drawing a cheap and insignificance, looking for a reliable, long-term partner is the development road. You need to polish a pair of eye, in the confused market environment to choose a real professional webpage design company, take you into the world of the Internet, let you from the network in the world to get your share of the market and competition. 如何选择一个好的网页设计公司详述 How to choose a good webpage design details 如何选择一家真正专业且有多年经验的网页设计公司才能为您设计出好的网页设计,一般有以下标准: How to choose a real professional and has many years of experience in webpage design companies can provide you design a good webpage design, has the following general standard: 1、拥有固定办公场所(Have fixed office place) 你也许遇到过这种情况:当你提出要去给你做网页的公司实地看看时,对方会找出种种理由推脱,极力阻止你去,同时却以低于市场价很多的价格向你承诺各种服务。可想而知,那些连公司的地点都不愿告诉客户、不敢让客户去他们公司看看的网络公司一定都是含有欺诈成分的公司,而缺乏足够的办公环境、技术实力,所做的承诺也只能成为不切实际的空中楼阁。 You may encounter this kind of situation: when you put forward to want to do webpage company field have a look, you will find reasons to shirk, trying to stop you, but below the market price of price promise you a variety of services. One can imagine the company, the company place to tell customers, dare not let customers to their company have a look the network company always contains fraudulent, and lack of adequate office environment, technical strength, commitments and can only be unrealistic castles in the air. 2、网络公司自己网站的水准(Network company's own website standard) 作为专业的网页设计公司,如果他们自己公司的网站都一塌糊涂,你还会相信他们有多大实力吗?如果对自己公司的网站都可以将就,你还会期待他们对你多负责吗? As a professional webpage design company, if their own company's Web site is in a complete mess, you will believe that they have much strength? If their company website can do, would you expect them to you in charge? 3、你信任的、并且对网络行业、对技术了解的人给你的意见(You trust, and to the network industry, the technical understanding of the person who gives you advice) 互联网发展到今天,网站的好坏早已不是凭网页上动画是不是很多、颜色是不是很鲜艳、是不是有声音有录像等等这些表面的东西所决定。支撑网站正常运行的后台管理技术、资讯实时更新技术、流量统计分析技术、在线沟通技术等等才是关键。当然,可能很多人都说他们公司有这些东西,那你就得擦亮眼睛了:这些东西是他们公司自己开发的吗?能不断升级更新吗?技术上是领先的、可靠的、实用的吗? Development of the Internet today, the website has already not by webpage animation, is it right? Is it right? A lot of color is very bright, is it right? Voice of a video and so on these things on the surface of the decision. The supporting web site for the normal operation of the backstage management technology, information real-time update technology, traffic statistical analysis technology, online communication technology is the key. Of course, many people may say they have these things, then you have to open your eyes: these things on their own development? Can continuously updates? Technology is leading, reliable, practical? 4、已有客户案例的水准(The existing customers in case the standard) 很难相信一家没有几个客户案例的网络公司会有多专业。同样,连一家行业内居领导地位的客户也没有的网络公司、或者已有的客户案例都是差劲之极的网络公司,你会相信这样的公司很有实力吗? It is hard to believe that a few cases of clients network company will be more professional. Similarly, even one of the industry's leading clients also have no network company, or the existing customer case is really badly companies on the Internet, you will believe that this company is very strong? 5、其它方面(Other aspects) 如:整体设计力、整体技术力,搜索引擎优化能力,网站排名提升能力,吸引访客入站的能力,提出策略与投入的方式,是否有专门的客服人员等等,都是你应该考量的因素。 Such as: overall design, overall technical force, search engine optimization, website ranking promotion ability, attract visitors to enter the station capacity, proposes strategies and investment way, whether there is a dedicated customer service staff and so on, are all what you should consider. 本文发布于UEO营销型网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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