

商企云 | 2021-07-05 | 分享至:
北京网站建设公司商企云:seo网站优化流行着这样一句话,小站靠外链,大站靠内链,网站内链可以使关键词之间更通常,吸引方便蜘蛛爬行,提高网站收录,从而将提升整个网站的权重,提升网站关键词排名。通俗点说,网站内链做的好,就是让蜘蛛一直在你的网站里转悠,抓去。国内内链做的最好的是新浪。个人认为。The Beijing website construction company Luxuries: Chinese SEO website optimization popular a such words, the station on the chain, large inner chain, site within the chain can make more usually attract between key words, convenient spider crawling, improve the website included, thereby lifting the entire weight of the site, improve site ranking keywords. Generally speaking, sites within the chain to do good, is to let the spider has been in your site around, to. Within the domestic chain do best is sina. Personal opinion.好了,废话不多说,直接如题,一个编辑如何做好网站内链,有以下集中方法:Well, gibberish did not say more, direct questions such as, an editor how to do site within the chain, has the following concentration method:一:文章与文章之间的链接The link between the article and the article1:文章关键词与其他网站之间的链接:标注文章关键词,链接到关键词所涉及到的其他文章Key words with other website links between: marking key words, links to key words relate to other articles2:文章图片与其他文章之间的链接:文章中以插入图片的形式,在图片加上链接到在其他文章The picture and the other the links between the: article to insert in the form of a picture in picture, plus links to other articles3:文章正文结尾:通过编辑推荐文章 列出需要链接的文章标题,加上链接The end of the list: editor's need to link the article title, plus links二:文章与专题链接The article and thematic links文章中出现的相关词语涉及到我们相关专题,标注加上链接,链接到专题Articles appearing in the Related words relate to our related topics, mark adding links, links to topics文章末尾可做上专题推荐:文章关键字要跟专题匹配The end of the article can recommend topics: the key to feature matching表现形式(Form of expression)1:关键词直接链接到专题Key words direct links to topics2:文章结尾:编辑推荐专题,列出专题标题加链接The end of the article: editor's subject, topic title and link list3:图片形式:在文章正文前或者正文结尾插入图片,图片链接到相关专题。The form of pictures or text: in the front end insert pictures, links to related topics.三:文章与视频链接This article and video link表现形式:Form of expression:1:关键字直接链接到视频,关键字加粗或者加红标注Keywords direct link to the video, keyword bold or plus red label2:视频截图。在文章正文前或者结尾插入图片,直接链接到视频!Video capture. In the front or end of the insert picture, a direct link to the video!四:文章与图库(The article with the gallery)文章中出现的图片,可以链接到网站图库,图片最好加上alt标签,利于搜索引擎识别;文章中出现的关键词可以链接到图库,对于质量好的图片,可以整理上传到图库The article appears in the picture, you can link to site Gallery, pictures with the best ALT label, conducive to a search engine to identify; articles appearing in key words can be linked to a gallery, for good quality images, can be sorted to Gallery表达形式:Forms of expression:文章中图片直接链接到图库The picture is linked directly to the gallery文章中没有出现图片,在文章正文结尾插入一张本地设计的图片,链接到图库。The article does not appear in the photo, in the end is inserted into a local design pictures, links to the library.五:对于一些电子商务类网站,文章可以链接到产品目录For some electronic commerce website, the article can be linked to the product catalog文章中出现的相关产品词链接到产品目录,链接在新窗口打开,文字加粗或者加红!Articles appearing in related products word links to product catalog, links open in a new window, text bold or add red!六:文章拆分和整合:The separation and integration:对于长篇文章,或者一篇文章涉及到几个不同要点,可以根据每个要点拆分成不同文章。For a long article, or article involves several different points, each point can be according to split into different articles.1:在每篇文章后面推荐其他几篇拆分的文章In each article behind recommend other several split articles2:根据上述按标题加描述的形式整合成一篇文章,在分别链接到不同文章According to the above mentioned by title and description in the form of integration into one article, are linked to different articles3:文章关键词对应链接到产品目录、专题、文章、图库……Key words corresponding to link to the product catalog, topics, articles, gallery ... ...本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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