

商企云 | 2021-07-05 | 分享至:
学习网页设计可以做一名网页前台美工师,网页网站工程师。 Study of webpage design can make a webpage downstage art division, webpage website engineer. 网页设计通常大家理解为前台设计,如果包含后台大家一般会称为网站后台开发或网站建设,今天我们就来说一下网页的前台美工设计,这部分知识总共可以分为2部分,其一就是网页前台效果图设计部分,其二就是网页排版制作的过程。这些完成了前台美工工作也就完成了,之后的工作会移交给后台程序员去接手,当然现在更多的中小公司为节省成本会聘用一个全能型的人才,前后独立完成。 Webpage design commonly understood as the front design, if contains the background is generally referred to as web development or construction sites, today we will talk about the front webpage art design, knowledge of this part of the total can be divided into 2 parts, one is the webpage front effect chart design, the second is webpage layout making process. These completed downstage art design work is completed, the work will be transferred to the backstage after the programmer to take over, but now more small and medium-sized companies to save costs will hire an all-round talent, and independently. 那对于前台美工设计重点在哪呢?有人会说当然是设计,这一点不可否认,设计很重要。设计的好与坏直接决定了这个单子的成与败,效果图设计是第一关。但从这几年的网页网站市场的发展来说,从企业的招聘来说,作为一名合格的前台美工师,必备的技能也就是今天我们要说的DIV+CSS了。 The front design where is the key? Some people would say is of course design, this is undeniable, the design is very important. Good or bad design directly decides the success and failure of this list, the effect of map design is the first. But in recent years the webpage website market development, from the enterprise recruitment, as a qualified receptionist art division, the necessary skills which is today we say DIV+CSS. 首先给大家看一个网站公司招聘前台北京网站设计人员的招聘启事截图: First, for everyone to see a site Beijing website design company receptionist recruitment notice screenshot: 大家可以看到明确指出要熟悉div、css,这个在08年之前的招聘中很难看的到,而现在则是招聘前台美工首要要求,如果你说不会DIV,还是用table制作网站,那么企业会对你说不好意思,你OUT了。所以说对于如今的网络市场发展,更多的企业会注重seo网站优化,而更多的专业人士会认为DIV的网站架构更符合W3C标准UEO营销型网站建设,更易于企业网站的优化和推广。 We can see clearly pointed out the need to be familiar with div, CSS, in the 08 years prior to the recruitment of ugly, and is now recruiting downstage art design the most important request, if you say you will not DIV, or table production sites, then the business will say to you feel shy, you OUT. So in the network market development, more and more enterprises will focus on the SEO website optimization, and more professional will find DIV site architecture more in line with the W3C standard UEO marketing website, easier to corporate Web site optimization and promotion. 所以DIV+CSS的学习是网页前台设计学习的重点,是每一位将来无论是从事前台设计,还是后台开发的学生都应该掌握的技能。 So learning DIV+CSS is a webpage downstage design is the focus of study, each is a whether the future is engaged in the design, or the background development students should master the skills. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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