

商企云 | 2021-07-02 | 分享至:
网站建设过程中需要注意的细节有很多,这些细节包括用户体验,也包括将来的外链建设,如果前期工作做好了,那么下一步的优化推广就会变得很轻松,很有目的性Website construction process of the need for attention to detail has a lot of, these details including user experience, also includes the construction of the chain in the future, if the pilot work well, then the next step of the optimization of the promotion will become easy, is have a purpose 第一个细节:域名的选择。选择什么样的域名,这是一个大问题,现在做好的企业,都不直接说产品,而是说品牌,很多企业做广告,都是以品牌为核心,“海尔,真诚到永远!”可谓家喻户晓,目前海尔不仅仅是电视,它涉及的产品包括电子类所有的产品,所以说,中小企业在上线企业网站,完全可以用域名当做自己的品牌,不但可以维持以前的产品,还可以凭借域名不断扩展业务。The first details: the choice of the domain name. Choose what kind of domain name, it is a big problem, now do enterprise, are not directly said products, but said the brand, a lot of enterprises advertising, are brand as the core, "haier, sincere forever!" Is widely known, at present is not only TV haier, it involves products include electronic kind of all the products, say so, small and medium-sized enterprises in online enterprise website, can use domain name as his own brand, not only can maintain the previous products, but also with domain name expanding business. 服务主机很重要。一位小企业的老总打开自己的上线已经有一年多网站,突然发现网站打不开了,问手下的网管,网管也兼任其他工作。后来和网络公司沟通,才知道,因为自己的网站的空间有一家赌博网站,被查封了,企业网站也受到了连累。老总很生气,这位兼任网管的担当心里也很憋屈,说:“老总,我们网站上线一年多了,根本就没有一个客户从网上过来!”最后,这家企业就关闭了网站,结束了网上开辟业务的渠道。如果使用空间不慎,网站建设很容易被牵连,尤其现在互联网的监管体系越来越严格,选择一个好的空间很重要!Service host is very important. A small old total open his online already has a year website, suddenly find that your website can't open, ask his network management, network management and other work part-time. Later and network communication, just know, because his web space have a gambling website, seizure, enterprise web site was also brought trouble. Old total very angry, the network management of the in the mind also bear very humbled, said: "old total, our website online for more than a year, there is no single from online customer come over!" Finally, the enterprise will shut down web site, the end of the opening of the online business channel. If use space inadvertent, website construction is easy to be involved, especially now that the Internet monitor system is more and more strict, choose a good space is very important! 跟风复制的现象在企业网站也很严重。任何成功模式只能借鉴,如果只是简单的复制过来粗制滥造,那么,就算有用户访问,看到这么粗糙的网站设计,不皱眉头才怪呢?就算是目标用户群访问自己的网站,因为网站做的很不专业,甚至完全从别处复制拷贝过来,恰巧这位用户也看过同行业的网站,那么,他会怎么想?一定会联想到这家企业的产品是不是也这样粗制滥造呀。再往深处说,任何复制的结果永远只是活在别人的影子下,很难做到行业的极致,不想做大的企业网站,在互联网很难生存的。Copycat phenomenon in enterprise web site copy is also very serious. Any successful model for reference only, if just a simple copy over rough way, then, even with the user access, see so rough website design, don't frown just strange? Even target user group visit their web site, because the site is not professional, and even completely copy copies come from elsewhere, happened to the users have also seen the same web site, then, what did he think? Will go to this enterprise products association is so poorly ah. Deep down again, said any copy results forever just live in the shadow of others, it's hard to do the perfection of industry, don't want to do big enterprise sites in the Internet is hard to survive. 还有企业网站的内容大多数拷贝过来,这对网站发展是极不利的,试想一下,谁愿意老看一些重复的内容,尤其是搜索引擎(seo)对一些重复的文章特别反感,不但不收录,还会对网站进行降权处理。此外很多网站在栏目设计上比较粗糙,缺乏新意,很随便的设置几个栏目,这其实不但不利于网站优化,还给人一种不负责的感觉。And enterprise website content most copies come here, this is a very adverse to web development, just think, who would like to see some of the old repeated contents, especially search engine to some repetitive it especially bad feeling, not only not included, will also perform site drop right processing. In addition a lot of web site design in column is coarser, lack of new, easy setting several columns, it not only against site optimization, back to a person responsible for feeling. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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