

商企云 | 2021-07-02 | 分享至:
策划要领(Planning essentials)   例:建筑陶瓷、卫生洁具是同人们家庭生活息息相关的产品。网站建设现代白领和家装DIY一族非常关心家庭装潢用品,许多已经习惯通过互联网进行产品搜索、对比和选配,因此该类企业上网显得尤为必要。建筑陶瓷、卫生洁具产品型号品种繁多,性能参数复杂难记,行业内企业应当注重在企业网站上强化企业品牌形象,通过网上品牌宣传与竞争树立企业的系列产品形象,强化目标访问群或潜在消费者的品牌意识,促进一体化采购。 Example: building ceramic, sanitary ware is closely related to people with family life of products. Gansu website construction and modern white-collar gens very concerned about domestic outfit DIY home decoration products, many have already been used on the Internet search, contrast and selecting the product, so the Internet enterprises is necessary. Building ceramic, sanitary ware products type variety, performance parameters complex hard to remember, within the industry enterprise shall pay more attention to in the enterprise web site the aggrandizement on the enterprise brand image, through online brand publicity and competition of setting up the enterprise image series products, and to strengthen the target group, or visit the potential consumer brand awareness, promote integration purchasing. 提供方便的产品搭配效果展示和产品选购指南。网站策划要以终端客户和专业人士为企业网站的主要目标访问群,为他们提供方便的服务。 Provide convenient products show and tie-in effect of choose and buy products guide. Web site planning to end customers and professional enterprise web site for the main goal of the visit group, provide them with convenient services. 设计制作(design)    随着技术和网络社会影响力的发展,网页的艺术设计,日益被网站建设者所注重,对其要求也越来越高。网站建设越来越接近于一门艺术而不仅仅是一项技术。于是,大量以前被忽略的艺术原则被采用,当然,也包括很多新的多媒体技术被运用。对于洁具行业的企业网站而言,其设计风格应当同企业VI规范相一致,并突出洁具行业特色,整体应以清爽、洁净为基调。 As technology and the development of the network social influence, the art of web page design, increasingly website builders to notice, the requirements of more and more is also high. Website construction more and more close to an art is not just a technology. So, a lot of previously neglected art principle was adopted, and, of course, also includes a new multimedia technology be used. To clean the industry enterprise website is concerned, its design style should be consistent with the enterprise VI standard and highlight the sanitary ware industry characteristics, and the overall should with relaxed, clean for fundamental key. 品牌和产品是网站的两大主题,在产品展示设计上,应注重突出整体装饰效果展示,用整体环境装饰和产品选配来体现产品特色;具体页面设计与制作应当注意在合理“场合”与“位置”进行品牌(LOGO)的展示或阐述,增加出现的频次和表现手法,加深访问者的视觉印象。 Brand and product is two themes of the website, in product exhibition design, should pay attention to highlight the whole display adornment effect, with the overall environmental adornment and product selection to reflect the product characteristics; The specific page design and production in attention shall be paid to the reasonable "occasions" and "location" brand (LOGO) display or paper, increase the present frequency of and the technique of expression, deepen the visitors visual impression. 技术应用(Technology application)    使用产品动态展示技术,适用于多种类、多型号的产品展示,条理清晰,方便更新与维护。在产品展示上,可使用多种表现手段如FLASH、视频、360全景等技术,加深产品的展示力度,使访问者对于企业产品有更深的感性认识。 Use the product dynamic display technology, applied to many kinds, many models of the products show, a clear and organized, convenient maintenance and update. In product exhibition, can use a variety of performance means such as FLASH, video, 360 panorama technology, deepen product exhibition efforts to enable visitors to enterprise products are deeper perceptual knowledge. 域名(Domain name)   域名是一个很关键的部分,好多企业受限于网络公司,被网络公司牵着鼻子走,就是因为域名掌握在网络公司手里,企业要想继续使用这个域名,就必须跟这家网络公司合作。因此如果企业准备要把网站长期做下去,尤其是能够注册到一个和公司有关的好域名时,尽量自己注册,可以找相关IDC服务商注册,推荐万网或者新网,当然这个费用比一般网络公司要贵点。现在大部分网络公司都会做网站送域名、空间。如果你不想另外自己注册的话,那一定要网络公司保证域名的所有权是你的,并且出示相关证书,这个网上可以下的到。查询域名所有权可以到万网查询,关键是所有权的联系人、地址方式都要是你的,其他可以是网络公司的,网络公司可以帮你进行域名管理。 Domain name is a key part of, a lot of enterprise is limited by the network company, be network company to the nose, just because of the domain name in network company hand grasp, the enterprises must want to continue to use the domain name, will need to be with the network company. So if businesses are ready to put the site down long-term do, especially can register to a good domain name and company about when you register as far as possible, can look for relevant IDC services registered, nets or recommend these, of course, the cost than general network company to your point. Now most of the network company will do website sent a domain name, space. If you don't want to other registered their words, that must ensure that the ownership of the domain name network company is you, and to produce relevant certificate, the Internet can. Inquires ownership can be nets of inquires to domain name, and the key is ownership of the contact, address the way if you, the other can be networks, network company can help you for the domain name manager. 这里需要了解的一点知识就是目前国际域名.com的域名保护期为75天左右,国内域名.cn的域名为16天左右。也就是说你在一家网络公司注册了域名,等第二年域名到期你不想在这家续费,而找另外一家是不可以的,除非等到域名保护期结束后在另外一家网络公司注册。当然你可以直接找万网或者新网续费,不过这个价格要比一般网络贵几十块。 Here is a little knowledge of the need to know the international domain name. Com the domain name protection for 75 days or so, the domestic domain name. Cn domain name for 16 days or so. That is your company registered in a network domain names, domain name waiting two years due you don't want to in the renewal, and find another is not possible, until after the domain name protection in another network company registration. Of course, you can get a nets or one a renewal, but the price than general network your a few. 空间(space) 网站空间就是主要分虚拟主机和服务器两种,具体两者有什么区别可以参看下这个帖子“虚拟主机和服务器有什么区别”。目前大部分企业采用的主要就是虚拟主机。对于虚拟主机跟网站有关的你主要需要了解以下几个方面:首先你要明确你的空间是什么线路,一般上海这边开的空间都是电信的,这个主要跟你面对的客户区域有关,如果你的客户是全国性的,最好采用双线电信、网通空间,其次就是明确网络公司给你开的实际空间大小,不少公司承诺给你开两百兆甚至三百兆以上的空间,你要留个心眼,一般来说对于一个普通企业网站100M的空间基本够用了,一般网站本身程序加一起不会超过20M,剩下近80M的空间基本能放下400张左右200k大小的图片,因此,100M相对来说够用了。第一年一般都是赠送的,你可能觉得开多少都无所谓,但是第二年空间是要续费的噢。那么怎么判断空间实际大小的,一般的方法是向网络公司索要空间FTPmiami及管理地址,这样能清楚的看到空间的使用情况,还有一个小方法就是加一个能查看各个文件夹占用空间大小的小程序,不过估计网络公司一般不会这么做。 Web space is the main points and virtual host server two, what is the difference between specific both see this post "virtual host server and what is the difference between". Now most of the major enterprise is virtual host. For virtual host site of the main relevant with you need to know about the following several aspects: first you clear your space is what line, general Shanghai here open space is telecom, the main with you in the face of the client area, if your client is a national, had better use double telecom, netcom space, followed by clear network company open to you the actual size of space, many company commitment to open a two hundred million or even three hundred million more space, do you want to leave a heart, generally for a common enterprise web site 100 M space basic will be enough, general the site itself, with no more than 20 program together M, left nearly 80 M space can put down about 400 copies basic 200 k size picture, therefore, 100 M relatively will be enough. The first year is usually given, you may feel that it doesn't matter how much open, but the next year is to a renewal of the space: oh. So how do you determine the space of the actual size, the general method is to ask for space FTPmiami network company and management address that can clearly see the use of space, and a small method is to add a can check each folder take up the space is the size of a small program, but estimates that network company usually won't do that. 程序(program) 一般来讲,网络公司在做好网站验收完毕后应该把源码刻录成光盘CD或其他媒介交予客户保存,但是如果客户不提出的话网络公司一般不会主动提供,因为源码在网络公司手里,能增加它第二年要你继续续费的筹码,因为你客户企业不续费,网站就不会有了,而企业客户有了源码,第二年完全可以另外买空间,然后域名重新做下解析就可以了。当然,第二年如果确定要换网络公司,建议到期前一个月把最新网上的程序通过FTP下载下来备用。 Generally speaking, the network company for web site after the source code should be accepted into CD burning a CD or other media to keep customers, but if the customer does not put forward the general can't active words network provide, because the source in the network company hand, can increase it to you to continue in the second year of the renewal chips, because your client enterprises not a renewal, the website will not have, and enterprise customers have the source, the second years can also buy space, and then back to the domain name under analytical. Of course, the second years if sure you want to change the network company, suggest a month before the expiry of the latest online program through the FTP download down. Set aside. 如果以上三点能确认下来,基本上能最大限度的保护自己的利益了。不过这里也要奉劝一些企业客户,网站制作毕竟是属于设计类的东西,不像其他商品的一样价值具有明确性,因此不要一味的还价,不然最终害的可能是自己。 If the above three can confirm that down, basically can maximum limit to protect our interests. But here also would advise some corporate customers, the website production after all is to belong to design kind thing, not like other commodities like the value has clarity, so don't blindly bargain, otherwise the final against a possible. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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