

商企云 | 2021-07-02 | 分享至:
商企云网站建设服务商是一支专业的珠宝网站建设及珠宝网站运营seo策划团队。公司成立有4年之久,拥有专业的技术团队,专业的美工设计团队,专业的网站运营策划团队。 Shang pin China website construction service provider is a professional jewelry website construction and jewelry website operation planning team. The company established a 4 years, have professional technical team, professional graphic arts design team, professional website operational planning team. 我们公司提供一站式服务:网站定制/模板建站+空间+域名+备案+技术支持+运营等服务。 Our company provide one-stop service: the website customization/template site and space and domain name and record and technical support and operation, etc. 珠宝网站建设流程如下: Jewelry website construction process is as follows: 第一步:客户提出需求 The first step: the customer demand put forward 客户提出网站建设基本需求,并且提供相关的文本及图片资料:公司介绍、栏目描述、网站基本功能需求、网站的设计需求。 The customer put forward the basic website construction needs, and to provide the relevant text and images of material: company introduction, columns description, the basic site function requirements, the design of the website needs. 第二步:设计建站方案 The second step: design site scheme 双方对珠宝网站建设进行协商,确定网站的建站方案及制作网站的细节问题和价格。 Both sides negotiate to jewelry website construction, determine the production plan and the site web site details and prices. 第三步:双方签定合同 Step 3: both parties to sign the contract 签订和同主要是两种方式,第一种我们把合同通过快递邮递给您。第二种是我们把合同的电子版通过传真传真给您。合同签订后交付定金,这个定金交付的流程是先付30%的定金然后等测试的时候再付40%,等测试满意后,安装上线再付30%。这里可以有两种的方式,如果是定金支付,需要直接通过支付宝、网银、银行等直接打款,如果是全额支付,可以走支付宝担负交易,虚拟物品交易。 With the main sign and is two ways, first we put through express mail your contract. The second is the electronic version of the contract by fax fax to you. After contract signed consign deposit, the deposit of the delivery of the process is to pay 30% deposit and test to pay 40%, the satisfaction of the test, installation online to pay 30%. There are two kind of way, if is deposit payment, need to direct through the pay treasure, net silver, Banks and other call directly money, if is a full payment, can go pay treasure to carry trade, trade in virtual items. 第四步:网站初稿设计 Step 4: first draft web site design 根据客户提出的需求,先做出一个初稿:首页图、架构图、频道首页风格等。如果客户不满意,我们再做修改,直到客户满意为止,我们再做下一项。 According to the needs of the customer put forward, first make a draft: front page figure, structure diagram, channel home page style, etc. If the customer not satisfied, we'll do the modification, until customer satisfaction, we do it again next. 第五步:开始网站的建设 Step 5: start website construction 根据初稿的内容,我方开始在对网站的后台程序搭建,完成网站的制作。 According to the content of the first draft, we start in the background of the website building program, the production of complete web site. 第六步:测试网站及客户的验收 Step 6: testing sites and the customer acceptance 网站做好后,对网站进行测试,测试成功后,给客户验收。客户满意后,就算网站验收成功。 Website done, perform site test, test after the success, to the customer acceptance. Customer satisfaction, even web site acceptance success. 第七步:网站的后期维护 Step 7: the web site later maintenance 在网站使用后期,如果出现了问题,我们可以免费为你提供技术上的支持。 In the web site later use, if problems, we can free for you to provide technical support. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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