

商企云 | 2021-07-02 | 分享至:
1、认准网站发展方向Look for the web site development direction 看到了我们网站的盈利点了,那么接下来就是对于网站的推广。所以说盈利是我们每一位站长的心愿。 See our website profit point, then the next step is for the website promotion. So said profit is we each adsense desire. 2、看准盈利点 Certain profit point 这个方面我不想多说了,感觉有点老话重提了,但是呢在关键词这个方面是网站建设的一个基础,是网站以后发展的一个基础定位,所以在关键词的选取上,本人以前也告诉过良多的站长,方法技巧都说的很具体了,只要记住避免竞争压力大的关键词,就差未几了,这个关键词的选取,我个人以为仍是需要我们每一位站长自己掌握的,在站长工具,百度热度这样的工具的匡助下,选取一个适合自己的网站关键词仍是很轻易的。对于考虑网站的发展方向是因站而宜的,这要看我们站在的选择和能力了,我们不能够有着走一步算一步的思惟,要为以后着想,这样设想网站以后的发展之路,这样就会感觉越做越有决心信念的。 This aspect I don't want to say more than that, feeling a little directorate for the old, but in this aspect is the key words? The website of the a foundation, is the web site later development of a basic orientation, so in the selection of key words, I had told a lot of people, the method of very specific skills are said, just remember to avoid competition pressure big key words, bad matter, the selection of key words, I personally think is still need our every webmaster their mastery of the, in the webmaster tools, baidu heat such tools KuangZhu of, choose a suitable for your web site keywords is still a very easily. For considering the development direction of the website for standing and appropriate, this should see we stood in choice and ability, we can't have take it one step mind, want to consider for the future, and this idea after the development road of the web site, so that they will feel more does more determined the faith. 说这个话题的留意是我们大多数站长所关心的,由于无论做什么站,我们终极的目的就是取得收益。总之,一份好的seo网站推广方案是网站建设方案的重要组成部门。 Said the topic is attention we most adsense concerned, because no matter what race, we the ultimate objective is to achieve earnings. All in all, a good website promotion scheme is an important component of the website construction scheme department. 3、拿准关键词 Be sure keywords 实无论是网站建设,仍是网站推广这一类的知识,终极都是为我们优秀的网站建设而服务。良多事实都证实一个可行性的网站推广方案对于我们的网站仍是有很大的好处。 Real whether website construction, and is still website promotion that kind of knowledge and, ultimately, our excellent website construction and service. Facts have confirmed a feasibility website promotion plan for our website is still have great advantages. 四点建议都不算是多么的难懂,都是我们网站建设之前所要考虑的因素,这是我们网站成功与否的一个十分的重要的内容,所以我想要和各位站长分享一下,只是但愿我们每一位站长都能够把自己的网站做的更加优秀,更加出色。但是在网站建设的时候,我们有些站长就感觉赚钱很难,我个人总结有这样的感觉的原因实在就是,盲目做站。开发一下我们网站内容的一个扩展性,目的就是让我们的网站越做越大,这样我们的盈利也会越来越多的哦。说的简朴一点就是找到,优化关键词,找准突破口,这样就对我们以后的网站推广是很有好处的。 Four-point proposal is not how to understand, is our website construction before the factors to consider, this is the success of our web site a very important content, so I want to and you share some of the station, but I wish we every webmaster can put their web site do more good, even better. But in the website construction, some of our webmaster feel hard to make money, I personally feel this summary of the reason it is, blind do stand. Development once we website content a extensibility, the purpose is to let our website bigger and bigger, so our earnings will more and more oh. Simplicity is to find a little said, optimize the keywords, find a breakthrough, so to our future website promotion is very beneficial. 假如以上三点我们做的还不错的话,那么就算是成功了,为什么是算是呢,由于我们不能够知足于现状,在这个内容之上有着更加的好的发展的时候,我们也要有着一定的前瞻性。今天我想和大家说说,怎样在网站开发这个环节上,匡助我们的网站更加优秀和完善。我以前做过一个什物网站,由于刚刚开始还没有留意到盈利点是什么,就在百度推广中开放了20多个词语,每天访问量仍是不少的,但是所卖出去的东西其实是太少,这样的原因就是自己太过于盲目,没有抓到客户的消费心理和所关心的事情,白白铺张了不少钱(百度推广,客户点击是要钱的)。其实是十分的恼火,当自己留意到这样的地方的时候,自己就天天都去看自己网站的关键词搜索热度,这样一点点的筛选推广的关键词,还真是有很好的效果,不到两天,自己的网站就有了客户购买了,其实是太开心了。以我自己的经验,就是想要告诉我们良多的站长们,在网站的推广的时候,我们一定要找准一个方向,当然了这个方向不是单一的,看看什么样的词语值得我们去推广,什么样的不用去推广,这样既能够减少我们的开支,也能够让我们的网站能够在更加的短的时间中取得收益,这样的一个网站推广方案我感觉是很好的,既能够赚钱,又十分的简朴,我们何乐而不为呢。 If above three we do well, then, yeah, it would be successful, why is it is, because we can't content with the status quo, in this content has more on the good development, we also want to have the certain forward-looking. Today I want to and you talk about, and how, website development this link, KuangZhu our website more excellent and perfect. I have done a articles website, because just started also failed to heed to profit point is what, in baidu promotion open more than 20 words, every day is still quite a lot of traffic, but have sold out of the thing is actually is too little, so the reason is that he is too too blind, no caught the customer the consumption psychology and concerns, stretched out a lot of money for (baidu promotion, customers click is to money). Is actually very angry, when his attention to such a place time, every day to see your keywords to search for heat, so a little bit of screening the keywords promotion and really have very good effect, less than two days, your own web site have customers buy, but it is so happy. In my own experience, to tell us is a lot of people, children, in website promotion, we must get a direction, of course this direction is not a single, see what words worth us to promotion, what kind of need not to promote, such already can reduce our costs, also can let our web site to in the short time more have income, such a website promotion plan I feel is good, it can make money, and very simple, we why not do it. 4、订准推广方案 Order must promotion plan 由于现在站的类型有什物站和内容站等不同的类型,但是在盈利的方式上面仍是不变的,什物站我们可以看做是电子商务网站,内容站就是依赖着天天的流量去盈利的网站,我感觉赚钱快的仍是什物站,在做这样的两种网站的时候,我们就要好好的观察,在流量和收录方面我们就要仔细的研究,看看什么样的词语是我们用户和搜索引擎所喜欢的,这样做出来一个关键词的分析,找到泛博用户所关心的那个关键词,主攻这个关键词和与这个关键词有关的词语,这就是我们网站的一个很好的盈利点。 Because of the type of things stand now have stood and content such as the type of different stand, but in a profitable way still above are the same, and things stand we can be seen as e-commerce site, content is dependent on the stand to profit flow of every day web site, I feel make money fast things is still standing, and in doing this two kinds of website, we will be good observation, the flow and included ways we will be careful study, see what kind of words is our users and the search engines like to give a keyword analysis, find the bo users care about the key words, main attack the keywords and and the key words about the word, this is our web site a good profit point. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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