

商企云 | 2021-07-02 | 分享至:
网站设计一直是站长的难题,从网站的logo开始到网站的版权设计,这都是一个漫长的过程,很多站长纠结于一件事情—到底如何设计才是真正的大方简洁的页面,今天我以自己的网站为例,为各位站长分析一下,什么样的网站页面是大方简洁的网站页面,希望大家看后能够有所感触。Web page design is always the problem of webmaster, from web site to web site the logo began to copyright design, this is a long process, many webmaster entanglements on one thing-exactly how to design is the real generous concise page, today I to your own web site, for example, for each webmaster to analyze, what kind of web page is concise and easy web page, hope everybody can have after feeling. 设计一:网站logo设计(Logo design website)Logo一直是各位站长面临的第一设计要务,其实一个logo最主要的目的是让用户进入网站之后能够第一时间了解到网站的核心,所以设计可以采用最简单的方法设计,用画图的格式进行设计,截取一段白屏幕,在其中输入你需要做网站的核心,如果你是做发型网站,就可以设计成为你的域名链接上发型这个词如果你是做小说网站就可以设计为你要做的小说名字加网址总之网站logo的设计一定要是网站的核心+网站域名,这样才能够算是一个完整的标题,其他复杂的词语就不用在网站logo上表现出来了,影响整个页面的大方性。Logo is always the first design you face webmaster priority, in fact, a Logo to be the main goal is to enable users to access the site after the first time to know the core of the web site, so the design can use the most simple method to design, with the format of the drawing design, intercepted a white screen, in which the input you need to do the core of the website, if you are doing hair style website, can design into your domain name link in the word hairstyle if you're in the novel website can design for you to do novel names on site in short web site Logo design must be the core of the web site + domain name, so that it can be a full title, and other complex words don't have expressed in website Logo, affect the entire page and easy sex. 设计二:网站栏目设计(Website topic design)网站栏目是网站表现整个网站内容的一种展现方式,栏目展现的质量高低直接与网站内容显示程度的多与少构成了直接的关系,那么网站栏目应该怎么设计呢?这里为大家总结出来了几条经验。一网站栏目设计以三到六条为佳,二网站栏目最好不要超过一排,三网站栏目中间间隙一定要大于50,四网站栏目字体呈现一定要大方,杜绝黄色字体,五网站栏目每个字数一般以3到5字为宜。Web column is web site performance of the content on the website of the whole show a way, the quality of the columns show directly and website content shows degree of many and few constitute the direct relationship, so web site program should be how to design? Here to give you concluded several experience. A website design with columns from three to six for beautiful, two web column had better not exceed one row, column gap among three web site must than 50, four web column on a font to generous, stop the yellow font, five website each count column is three to five characters as appropriate. 从这个网站栏目就可以看出,整个网站就四个栏目,每个栏目字数3到4个字,字体呈现加粗蓝色字体,对用户的第一感觉就是整个页面非常清晰,找到自己需要的直接点击进入即可,这就是网站栏目设计得好。再来看另外一种网站栏目整个网站栏目密密麻麻的排列在一起,字体过小,页面显得紧凑,不利于用户体验,万一我眼睛近视度过高,不是还找不到自己需要的内容了吗?From this website column can see, the site is four columns, and each column 3 to 4 words characters, bold font present blue font, user first feeling is the entire page is very clear and find you need to click can, this is the web column are well designed. Again to see another web column the site column bunches of arrangement together, font too small, page appears compact, go against the user experience, one thousand I have high myopic eyes, is still not find their need content? 设计三:网站底部信息设计(Website bottom information design)网站底部信息一直是显示网站版权、备案信息、日期等等的,从版权到联系方式到备案等等的信息,看得人是眼花缭乱,整个网站底部要简洁,两排让人看起来很舒服,整个页面就显得非常的简单,但是内容却是很丰富,这样不仅仅是利于用户体验,就连seo搜索引擎也是会提高友好度的。Web site at the bottom is to show the website information has been copyright, record information, date, and so on, from the copyright to the contact information for the record to the and so on, see person is dazzling, the entire web site at the bottom to concise, two row let a person look very comfortable, the entire page is very simple, but it is very rich, such not only to user experience, even search engine will also improve the friendly degrees. 网站设计关系到网站的发展根本,从用户体验开始到搜索引擎,无一不喜欢大方简洁的页面,我们在设计的时候一定要注意大方+整洁,当然也不要刻意为了这两点进行设计,那样的页面就会显得不伦不类。Website design related to the development of the website fundamental, from user experience began to search engines, are all like generous concise page, we design must be pay attention to and easy + neat, of course, also do not try to these two points to carry on the design, that page will appear nondescript. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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