

商企云 | 2021-07-05 | 分享至:
北京网站建设,作为企业信息化建设中最重要内容之一,时常困扰着中小企业主。经常有这样的抱怨,花了几千元甚至上万元建设的企业网站,不能很好地与访问者互动,效果大打折扣;企业发展,网站需要扩建升级,升级成本比想象中高出不少;安全性不高,频繁地被注入木马和提交垃圾信息等等。 Beijing website construction, as the enterprise information construction in one of the most important content, often with medium and small business owners. Often have such complaints, and spent thousands of yuan even of the construction of the enterprise web site of millions of dollars, can not very well with visitors interaction, busting; Enterprise development, the web site needs to upgrade, upgrade cost much higher than than imagination; Safety is not high, is frequently into the Trojan and submit garbage information, etc. 网站已经成为现阶段众多企业不可或缺的网络营销平台,互联网应用规模正不断扩大。目前我国中小企业数量已达到4200多万户,占全国企业总量的 99.8%。而应用互联网发展业务的中小企业只占总数的44.2%,并且有很大一部分中小企业网站存在各种应用弊端。目前,中国中小型企业网站正步入一种尴尬境地:网站的功能已不能适应互联网时代发展的需要,而部分网站则存在功能过剩的问题。笔者向部分中小企业了解,其中某五金机电加工公司网络营销部张先生说,公司的规模不大,建站的目的很简单,就是向外发布一下最新的产品信息,并提供联系方式,但是建站时选择了直接购买服务器,现在需要专业人员维护,费用开支很大。那么,针对类似以上一些中小企业出现的问题,我们该如何指导其进行网站建设并取得可喜效果呢: At present many enterprises website has become a indispensable network marketing platform, the Internet application scale is growing. The number of small and medium-sized enterprises at present our country has reached more than 4200 households, accounting for 99.8% of the total enterprises in the whole country. And the use of Internet business development of small and medium-sized enterprises accounted for only 44.2% of the total, and much of the small and medium-sized enterprise website exists all kinds of application of drawbacks. At present, China's small and medium-sized enterprise web site is entering a kind of embarrassing position: the functionality of the site already can not adapt to the needs of the development of the Internet age, and there are some websites function of the excess problem. The author to small and medium enterprises understand, some hardware and processing company network Marketing Department Mr. Zhang said, the size of the company is not big, the purpose of the site is very simple, that is the latest to release a product information, and provide contact information, but multiple choice directly buy server, now need professional maintenance, expenses is very large. So, in view of the above some small and medium-sized enterprise similar to the problems, and how should we guide its web site construction and made gratifying effect? : 一、明确建立网站的目标和用户需求 A clear, establish the goals of the web site and user needs 定位您的网站,首先要明确定位UEO营销型网站建设的要求风格,一般来说,网站在要求风格上有理性要求和感性要求及综合型三种,任何营销性的网站都面临这样一个选择:你应该将要求和沟通策略建立在一种由不容置疑的证据所支持的主张上呢,还是应该建立一种被顾客感觉良好的情感要求呢?一般来说,理性要求强调理论及逻辑性,以事实为基础,以介绍性文字为主;感性要求则强调直觉,以价值为基础,以形象塑造为主。 Positioning your web site, should make clear positioning UEO marketing type website construction requirements style, generally speaking, the website in requirements style rational requirement and perceptual requirements and comprehensive three, any marketing sex site are facing such a choice: you should will require and communication strategy based on a by the indubitable evidence to support the claim that the? Or should establish a were customers feel good emotional requirements? Generally speaking, rational requirement emphasize theory and logical, in fact as the foundation, the introductory words for the Lord; The perceptual requirements emphasize intuition and taking the value as the foundation, the image is given priority to. 强调理性要求的网站以事实为依据,以产品或技术为核心,通过产品或技术,突出企业特点,进行营销活动,着力点在产品或技术的视觉冲击力和吸引力。这种类型的网站往往在对产品或技术方面不惜笔墨,以理性要求确立其营销地位,力求在顾客心中营造一种技术领先的氛围,从而产生对企业的信任感。显然,这类站点在设计方面相对要求不高,但一定要在技术、seo网站优化、产品的宣传、展示以及应用和对实际的具体作用等方面下力气渲染,并在风格上一定要保持一致,最好与企业的CI形象一致,以保持企业在消费者网上、网下形象的连续形象,从而树立巩固的地位。 Emphasis on rational requirement website is based on the fact and product or technology as the core, the product or technology, outstanding enterprise characteristics of marketing activities, focus on product or technology visual impact and attractive. This type of website to the product or technology in often at ink in, with rational requirement establish its marketing position, and strive to build a kind of heart in the customer leading technology atmosphere, thus produce to the enterprise of credit. Obviously, this kind of site in the design of the relative demand is not high, but must be in technology, SEO website optimization, the product promotion, and display and application and to the actual effect, specific energy rendering, and in style must be consistent, best of CI and enterprise image consistent, to keep the enterprise in the consumer online, offline image of the continuous image so as to set up the consolidation of the position. 强调感性要求的网站多以树立企业形象为主,以服务为导向。这里的服务有两方面含义,一是本身企业提供的就是服务,如服务行业;二是企业的售前、售后服务。通过服务提升企业在客户心中的地位,从而促进营销,这一类型则一定要注重网站的风格设计和创意,以感性要求为主,着意渲染或营造一种特有的企业氛围,着意体现一种网站或产品及服务的价值感,决不能平铺直叙,更不能只是将传统的服务搬到网上来,我看目前绝大多数网站就是这样,我们提供什么什么服务,欢迎与我们联系,等等,试想,互联网只是一个虚拟的环境,您没有给浏览者营造一种可信的氛围,人家凭什么相信你的服务呢?现实中企业的信誉在网上一样有效。你可能找不出自己真正具有实力的地方,不要紧,我们可以通过网站建设,回过头来审视一下自己的公司、企业,重新为企业塑造一个新的形象定位,并在以后的运营中下力气加强建设,从而在行业中独树一帜,力求在顾客心中营造一种崭新的形象,并产生信任感。请您仔细考虑一下:互联网上成百上千的同行业网站,顾客为什么购买或使用你的产品或服务,而没有选择竞争者的产品或服务?市场经济是竞争性的。你必须为人们选择你的品牌而不是他人的品牌创造理由。因此,一方面,要加强特殊氛围的营造,在感性要求上下功夫,消除企业与顾客在时间与空间上的距离,建立客户忠诚度,增加客户价值,通过拓展、建立、保持并强化客户关系使自身效益最大化 ;另一方面,好好设计你的网站,独特的设计能够营造一种独特的企业文化──互联网企业文化,也许这与传统营销风格不符,不要紧,不要太过 于依赖传统营销! Emphasizes the requirement to web site more perceptual setting up the enterprise image is mainly based on service oriented. The service here there are two meanings, one is itself to provide the service enterprise, such as service industry; 2 it is enterprise pre-sale and after-sale service. Through promoting enterprise customer service in the position of the heart, so as to promote the marketing, this type must be pay attention to the website's style design and creative, with perceptual request primarily, attempts to render or build a kind of special enterprise atmosphere, attempts to reflect a kind of website or product and service value feeling, never a dull or tile, not just more traditional service will move to the net to, I look at present the vast majority of sites is like this, we provide what what service, welcome to contact with us, and so on, just imagine, the Internet is just a virtual environment, you did not give your visitors to build a kind of credible atmosphere, the somebody else with what believe that your service? In the reality of the enterprise prestige as effective in online. You may not find out their real strength of the place, never mind, we can through the website construction, and turned to look at his own company, enterprise, again for enterprise to shape a new image positioning, and in the lower strength after operation to strengthen the construction, which in its industry, in an attempt to build a new customers in the heart of the image, and trust from. Please carefully consider: the Internet hundreds of industry web site, why the customer purchase or use your product or service, and have no choice competitors products or services? Market economy is competitive. You must choose your brand for people and not others brand creation reason. Therefore, on the one hand, to strengthen special atmosphere build, in perceptual requirements fluctuation kongfu, eliminate enterprise and customers in time and space distance, building customer loyalty, increase customer value, through the development, establish and maintain and strengthen the customer relationship make their own benefit maximization; On the other hand, a good design your site, unique design can build a kind of unique enterprise culture ─ ─ Internet enterprise culture, maybe this and the traditional marketing style not, it doesn't matter, not too dependent on traditional marketing in! 综合类型也比较常见,就是将上面而二者结合起来,因为对于同一种产品,不同的人可能基 于不同的决定──有时产品本身的特性可以决定你是理性的还是感性的。因此,在网站的氛围营造上就要注意分辨:如果某一方面不能充分说明产品或服务的特性,就要将二者结合起来,在不同的部分分别进行理性和感性的要求,借以打动不同类型的顾客,既以大量的事实突出企业的技术优势,又营造一种感性的氛围,强调产品或服务给人带来的价值,通过二者的结合,共同营造企业独特的氛围。 Comprehensive type also more common, is will above and combined them, because for the same kind of products, different people can base in different decision ─ ─ sometimes the product itself characteristics can be decided to you is rational or sensitive. Therefore, in the website of the atmosphere is attention to distinguish: if a hand cannot fully explain the characteristics of the product or service, will both up and in different parts of the reason and perceptual respectively the requirements, so as to appeal to different types of customers, both to large amount of outstanding enterprise technical advantage, and to build a kind of perceptual atmosphere, emphasize the product or service to bring value, through the combination of two, and work together to build enterprise unique atmosphere. 一般来说,以感性为主的网站多为生产类型的企业,而感性要求为主的网站多为服务类型的企业,当然这种分类方法并不是绝对的,有时,作为生产型的企业,其网站可能是服务型的,也有可能是综合型的,也有可能一个网站在不同时期选择不同类型的网站,在要求风格上也就不一样。但不管是什么类型,还是那句话,一切为营销服务,这样,网站才能发挥其真正的价值。 Generally speaking, to give priority to web site for more perceptual production types of enterprise, and perceptual request primarily website for more service type of enterprise, of course, this kind of classification is not absolute, sometimes, as a productive enterprise, the site may be of service, also be comprehensive, may also have a web site at different times choose different types of sites in requirements on the style is different also. But no matter what kind, or that sentence, all for marketing services, that way, you can play its real value. 明确网站的要求风格将直接影响着后面数据准备的侧重点,将网站定位成一种类型,那么,在网站数据的筹备中就要在某方面下力气,如何对网站建设的数据进行准备: Clear the requirements of the web site will directly influence the style at back to the emphasis of the data, the website localization into one type of, so, in web site preparation of the data will be in some way in energy, how to the website of the data to prepare: 二、必备的建网资料 Second, the necessary arrangement material 我们已经了解了网站的要求风格,接下来您要了解的是建立网站所必须的数据:建立一个行之有效的营销性的网站决不能马马虎虎,草率行事,随便准备点资料,找一些象征性的图片,一揽子塞给专业公司,过个不长时间网站就OK了,这是绝对的错误!也许您得知同行企业已纷纷建网,并取得了一定的收效;也许您是被网络公司业务员再三的劝告,才准备投资建立网站,提醒您注意,必须在一开始就明确:您能够利用网站做什么?通过网站,您能够为访问者或顾客提供什么,或者说给消费者带来了什么利益?然后在问问自己能够从中获得什么利益? We already know the requirements of the website style, then you want to understand is a web site must the data: establish an effective marketing sex site must not so so, hasty, literally to prepare some material, find some symbolic of the picture, the package slipped professional company, and have a long time not web site is OK, this is absolutely wrong! Perhaps you know peer enterprises have been set up, and have achieved some effective; Perhaps you are network company salesman repeated advice, to a web site for investment, remind you attention, must, at the outset, clear: you can use web site do??????? Through the website, you can for your visitors or customers with what, or what has brought to consumer interests? Then ask yourself can get what interests? 这里,提醒您注意的一点是,文字数据最好找专人负责整理,最好是熟悉市场营销并有一定文字组织能力的人,他们能够站在企业、市场和消费者的多角度考虑文字的组织方式。我的工作体会是企业在提供数据时常常是基 于企业宣传手册、彩页、各种报告、技术资料,我想说的是,这些数据往往技术性太强或一味地站在企业角度:我有多么悠久的历史、技术先进、荣誉称号,但缺乏站在客户角度考虑问题。当然,这些都是很好的资料,但建议您最好找专人整理一下。 Here, remind you noted that, text data had better look for person for sorting, had better be familiar with marketing and have certain ability of organization of the text, they can stand in the enterprise, the market and consumers consider the organization way from text. My work experience is the enterprise in providing data base in enterprise is often brochure, color pages, all kinds of report and technical data, I want to say is, these data technical too strong or standing in blindly enterprise Angle: how much I a long history, advanced technology, honorary titles, but the lack of standing in customer point of view. Of course, these are very good material, but suggest you had better look for the specialist tidy. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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