

商企云 | 2021-07-02 | 分享至:
建立新网站是每一个新人站长的必经之路,除了保证网站空间和域名的稳定性之外,还要更加小心谨慎的更新和维护网站制作,不然一不小心就有被K站和降权的可能。如果你不想白白浪费你的宝贵时间,想让你的新网站安稳的度过这个新站阶段,请认真仔细的看下面这些内容,它可以让你少走很多弯路。一般来讲,建立4个月之内的网站都属于新站。 Building the new web site is each new adsense the way of, in addition to ensure the stability of the space and domain name, but also more cautious updates and maintenance of website, or can is be standing down the right and K may. If you don't want to waste your precious time, want to let your new site secure spend the new stage, please carefully look at these content, it can let you walk a lot less detour. Will tell commonly, establish four months in website belong to railway station. 一、怎么样做新站(How do new sites) 1、做网站当然要选用快速稳定的空间域名。但是这个稳定不是说说而已,确实稳定才行。一些大型IDC的产品如:万网当然没有问题,如果你有一定的渠道可以获得质优价廉的相关产品那是最好的。空间推荐学员之间交流一下,学员用过的最好,群众的口碑是最直接的经验。域名推荐使用国内域名,雅虎域名最近很多被收回,希望大家珍惜域名,不要花冤枉钱。域名不管你在哪买的,只要不是CN域名都可以解析到任何IP上去,你在万网买的com域名解析到了免备案空间上,也是不用备案的。域名是否需要备案,这取决于空间是否要求域名备案。 Do web of course want to choose the rapid and stable space domain name. But the stability is not say it and really stable to just go. Some large IDC products [such as: nets] of course no problem if you have certain channels can get high quality and low price related products that are the best. Space recommended exchange between students, with the best students, the crowd reputation is the most direct experience. Domain name recommend using domestic domain names, domain name recently many be retrieved yahoo, hope you cherish the domain name, do not spend injustice. No matter where you buy the domain name, as long as not CN domain are parsed to any IP up, you bought in nets of com DNS record to avoid the space, also need not for the record. Whether you need a domain name for the record, it depends on whether the space requirements domain name for the record. 2、选用符合seo的网站程序尤为重要。一个好的程序,会让你优化关键词更加得心应手。静态页面,更新带动器,标题、关键词、描述标签都要具备。使用起来安全稳定的程序是首选。 Choose the site procedures with SEO is especially important. A good program, will allow you to optimize keywords more handy. Static page, update the drive, the title, keywords, the description tag should have. Use up the safety and stability of the program is first selection. 3、新站忌讳反复修改网站标题和描述。新站期间,最好不要修改网站的标题和描述。如想你实在是想改的话,那么请尽快修改,改完之后就固定下来,不要再改了。你每改一次都会让搜索引擎对你产生不信任的感觉,你想跟搜索引擎之间建立良好的信任度用以提升网站权重,就不要总是改网站的标题和描述。 New sites taboo repeatedly modify website title and description. During the new sites, had better not modify title and description of the website. If you really want to change is words, so please as soon as possible, change after the fixed down, don't change. You can make each change a search engine you have the feeling of distrust, you want to search engine is established between the confidence of the web site to improve good weight, don't always change the website title and description. 4、新站忌讳反复更换网站程序。原因同上。 New sites taboo repeated replacement site procedures. Reason is alexandrine. 5、新站收录首页之前最好不要做内链。新站几乎没有权重,也谈不上用你的内页来优化主关键词,所以你只加个粗就够了,链接先不要加。 New sites included before had better not do home page in chains. Railway station, almost no weight, is also far from the inside pages with you to optimize the key words, so you just add a thick enough, link to don't add. 二、怎么样维护新站(How maintenance railway station) 1、新站首页被收录15天内,文章不要加一个以上的内链锚文本。搜索引擎判断一个网站是否优化过度,首先判断它的内链数量。所以新站首页被收录15天内,文章的内链不要多加,一个就够,不建议同时优化多个关键词。站内主关键词的锚文本链接要统一,主关键词就链像首页URL地址,不要乱写URL地址。 New home page was collected 15 days, the article not add more than one of the chain in the anchor text. Search engine judge a website optimization is excessive, the first judge it within the number of chain. So new home page was collected, within 15 days of the articles in the chain don't add, a enough, no proposal also optimization more keywords. The main key words of the anchor text stand to unify the link, the main key chains like home page URL address, don't write URL address. 2、新站收录内页之前,不要做全站链接。全站链接都是内链锚文本,这个数量过多的话,会让百度误解你在过度优化关键词。新站一切操作以稳为主,前段时间先不做全站链接也可以,做上了,效果也不明显。 New sites included before the inside pages, don't do station the link. Total is inside chain link anchor text, the excessive number of words, will let baidu misunderstand you in excessive optimization keywords. All new operation with be give priority to, some time ago to first not do links total can also, do over, and the effect is not obvious. 3、新站忌讳发布单纯伪原创的垃圾文章。不会写文章也没问题,你把文章拿来使劲改。自己随便写100个字插入进去,伪原创力度大一些,最好通顺一点,这样就行了。单纯伪原创,搜索引擎很容易察觉出来的。等度过新站阶段,半年以后,可以减轻伪原创的力度,收录也会不错的。 New sites released false original taboo pure garbage article. Can't write the article also no problem, you put the articles brought tried to change. Help yourself to write 100 words insert in, pseudo original strength some big, best smooth a bit, it up. Pure pseudo original, search engine is very easy to perceive it out. Through the new sites such as stage, the half a year later, can reduce the strength of the original artifacts, included will also good. 4、新站收录内页之前不要优化长尾词。大家都知道,想优化长尾词就要增加文章的内链锚文本的数量,这偏偏是搜索引擎判断seo优化过度的一个指标,这个指标是跟随我们网站的权重来衡量的,一个网站权重很高,才可以带动长尾词的排名。一个新网站,连内页都没有被收录,何来的权重?所以等内页开始收录以后,这个时候网站有了一点权重了,再开始优化长尾词也不晚。这还避免了在新站权重不足的情况下增加内链的问题,有效避免了新站的优化过度嫌疑。长尾词的锚文本链接必须链像该长尾词的内页URL地址。要保持站内的每个长尾词都要链接对应它自己的那个内页URL地址。长尾词不要链像首页URL地址。 New sites included the inside pages don't optimize the long tail word before. As we all know, want to optimize the long tail will increase in the word chain the number of anchor text, this happened is the search engine optimization of judgment SEO excessive a index, the index is follow our web site to measure the weight of the, a web site weight is very high, can drive the long tail word of rankings. A new web site, even the inside pages have not been included, no weight? So, start the inside pages included later, this time there was a little weight website, and then began to optimize the long tail word nor too late. This also avoid the railway station, the lack of weight increase in the chain, the optimization of railway station, effectively avoid excessive suspect. The long tail of word anchor text links must be chains like the long tail of word URL address the inside pages. To keep standing in long tail to each word corresponding link its own the inside pages URL address. The long tail words don't chain like home page URL. 5、收录内页之前不要交换友情链接。往往这个时候换到的友情链接质量都不好,也没有权重高的网站肯跟一个新站交换友情链接。更不要去购买高质量的首页链接来给新站使用,很容易导致K站。3个月之内换15个跟你网站实力相当的友情链接就够了。交换权重过高的友情链接对于新站来说并不一定是好事,这是非常容易被K站的。 Recorded before the inside pages don't exchange links. Often this time of change to link quality is good, also have no weight high with a new website will exchange links. Don't go to buy more high quality home page link to give new sites use, it is easy to cause the K station. Within three months for 15 with your website powerfull link is enough. Link exchange weight too high for new sites is not necessarily good, this is very easy and K stand. 6、不要使用工具群发外链。这个对于网站来说很致命,这是一个非常容易被搜索引擎判断出的作弊行为,很容易被K站。 Don't use tools outside group chain. This is fatal for your website, this is a very easy to search engine judge the cheating, is easy to K station. 7、更新网站要持续操作,尽量不要间断。每天都要发布文章和做外链。发布文章数量不必过多,1-3篇即可。外链数量也不必过多,前一个月每天不超过10个,1-2个月每天不超过30个,2-3个月每天不超过50个。以后每天不超过100个就行。发外链很累,比写文章累的多,所以一定要让外链跟上,不要掉队。这样你才会看见你的关键词排名上升的速度会增加。且外链一定要手动发。 Update your website to continue operation, try to not stopped. To be published articles and every day the chain. Release the article number don't too much, and 1-3 article can. The number of chain also need not too much, one month before the no more than 10 a day, 1-2 months not more than 30 every day, 2-3 months not more than 50 every day. Every day after no more than 100 will do. Send the chain is very tired, write more than tired, so be sure to let the chain keep up, don't lag behind. So you can see your keywords in the rankings of speed will increase. And the chain must manual hair. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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