

商企云 | 2021-07-02 | 分享至:
一个网站的成功与否与网站建设前的规划有着极为重要的关系。在建设网站前应明确建设网站的目的,确定网站的功能、网站规模、投入费用,进行必要的市场分析等。只有详细的规划,才能避免在网站建设中出现的很多问题,是网站建设能顺利进行。The success of a web site and website construction before the planning has a very important relationship. In the construction site should be clear before the purpose of building site, determine the functionality of the site, website scale, investment costs, make the necessary market analysis, etc. Only the detailed planning, to avoid in the website construction of many of the problems that appear, is website construction can be carried out smoothly. 网站规划是指在网站建设前对市场进行分析、确定网站的目的和功能,并根据需要对网站建设中的技术、内容、费用、测试、维护等作出规划。网站规划对网站建设起到计划和指导作用,对网站的内容和维护起到定位作用。Site planning is to point to in the website construction of market analysis, before determine the goal and the function of website, and according to the need of the website construction of technology, contents, expenses, testing and maintenance make planning. Site planning on website construction plan and play a guiding role, the site's content and maintain a role positioning. 商务网站的商业规划应该尽可能涵盖建设网站的各个方面,网站规划应详尽、考虑周到。E-commerce site business planning should as far as possible covers all aspects of the construction site, website planning should be exhaustive, thoughtful. 商务网站的商业规划包含的内容如下:E-commerce site about the content of the business plan is as follows: 1、 建设网站前的市场分析Construction site before the market analysis 分析相关行业的市场是怎样的,市场有什么样的特点,是否能够在互联网上开展公司业务;对市场主要竞争者进行分析,了解竞争对手上网情况及网站规划、功能作用;对公司自身条件进行分析,对公司概况、市场优势进行分析,确定可以利用网站提升哪些竞争力,建设网站的能力(费用、技术、人力等)Analysis of the relevant industries market is like, what kind of market characteristics, whether can carry out the business on the Internet; The main competitors to market analysis, understand competitors on the Internet and web programming, functions; The company itself to conditions are analyzed, the company profiles, market advantages to carry on the analysis, sure can use website promotion which competitiveness, construction site ability (cost, technology, human, etc) 2、 建设网站的目的及功能定位The purpose of the website construction and function orientation 为什么要建立网站?是为了宣传产品、进行电子商务,还是建立行业性网站?是企业的需要还是市场开阔的延伸?通过整合公司资源,根据公司的需要和计划,确定网站的功能;根据网站功能,确定网站应达到的目的作用;企业内部网的建设情况和网站的可扩展性等。Why should build web site? To promote products, electronic commerce, or a industry web site? Is the need of the enterprise or the market open extensions? Through the integration of company resources, according to the needs of the organization and planning, determine the functionality of the site; According to the website function, make sure the site should be to achieve role; Enterprise Intranet situation of the construction of the website and expansibility, etc. 3、 网站技术解决方案Web site technical solutions 根据网站的功能确定网站技术解决方案;分析投入成本、功能、开发稳定性和安全性等;采用系统性的解决方案还是自己开发;网站安全措施,如防黑防毒方案;相关程序开发。According to the functionality of the site web technology solutions to determine; Cost analysis, function, development stability and security, etc.; The systematic solution or oneself development; Web security measures, such as the black antivirus program; Relevant procedure development. 4、 网站内容规划Web site planning 根据网站的目的和功能规划网站内容,一般企业网站应包括公司简介、产品介绍、服务内容、价格信息、联系方式、网上订单等基本内容;电子商务类网站是要提供会员注册、详细的商品服务信息、信息搜索查询、订单确认、付款、个人信息保密措施、相关帮助等。注意:网站内容是网站吸引浏览者最重要的因素,无内容或不实用信息互惠吸引匆匆浏览的访客。可事先对人们希望阅读的信息进行调查,并在网站发布后调查人们对网站内容的满意度,以及时调整网站内容。According to the website the goal and the function of planning your content, general enterprise web site should include a brief introduction, product introduction, service content, price information, the contact method, on-line order, and other basic content; The electronic commerce kind website is to provide the register and detailed information of the products and services, information search query, order confirmation, payment, and personal information confidential measures, related assistance, etc. Note: website content sites attract visitors is the most important factor, no content or not practical information mutual attract glanced through visitors. In the information to people want to read to investigation and survey released in website after website content people of satisfaction, and adjust your website content. 5、 网页设计 Web design网页设计一般要与企业整体形象一致,要符合CI规范。要注意页面色彩、图片的应用及版面规划,保持网页的整体一致性;在新技术的采用上要考虑主要目标访问群体的分布地域、年龄阶层、网络速度、阅读习惯等;指定网页改版计划,如半年到一年时间进行较大规模改版等。Web design in general to the whole image and enterprise consistent, want to accord with CI norms. To pay attention to the application of color pictures, page layout and planning, keep the whole web consistency; In the use of new technologies to consider the main target group of its distribution, visit age class, network speed, reading habits, etc.; Designated page revised plan, such as six months to a year on a large scale revision, etc. 6、 网站维护Website maintenance 对服务器及相关软硬件进行维护,对可能出现的问题进行评估,制定响应时间;对数据库进行维护,有效地利用数据是网站维护的重要内容,因此数据库的维护要受到重视;内容的更新调整等;制定相关网站维护的规定,将网站维护制度化、规范化。On the server and related software and hardware maintenance, the possible problem of the assessment, and formulated response time; The database maintenance, effectively use data is the important content of the website maintenance, so for the maintenance of the database to attention; The content renewal adjustment; Make the relevant provisions of the website maintenance, website maintenance will be institutionalized, standardization. 7、 网站测试Web site test 网站发布前要进行细致周密的测试,以保证正常浏览和使用。On its web site to carefully before thorough testing to ensure that normal browsing and use. 主要测试内容包括:The main test contents include: (1) 服务器稳定性、安全性Server stability, safety (2) 程序及数据库测试Procedures and database testing (3) 网页兼容性测试,如浏览器、显示器Web compatibility tests, such as browser, displays (4) 根据需要的其他测试According to the need of the other tests 8、 网站发布与网站推广On its web site and the website promotion 网站测试后进行发布的公关、广告活动,搜索引擎登记等。Web site testing in the public relations and advertising campaign released, search engine registration, etc. 9、 网站建设日程表Website construction schedule 各项规划任务的开始及完成时间、负责人等。The planning of the start and finish the task of time, etc. 10、 费用明细Expenses details 各项事宜所需费用清单。For all the expenses required to list. 以上为网站商业规划中应该体现的主要内容,根据不同的需求和建站的目的,内容也会有增加或减少。在建设网站之初一定要进行细致地规划,才能打到预期建站目的。Business planning for the web site above the main content of the should reflect, according to different needs and the establishment of the purpose, content, also can have increase or decrease. In the beginning of construction site must be careful planning, to play to the expected purpose site. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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